I have a new fetish. Nothing you might think about and it's all thanks to the recent Underworld moive. It's so freaking awesome.
Ok here's what i currently find hot . . .
Werewolves and vampires making out . . . .
Awesome ain't it? A beast fucking with an elegant and gentile being. That's like Ying & Yang. Black & White. Water & fire. A nigger and his chicken. I think i can roleplay being a Lycan and someone cna be my vampire.
Heh heh heh . . . What can i say? New Year = New Fetish. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
I feel different.
For once i can actually say 'I don't feel the same'. I think it's gotta do with the Lunar New Year and the things going on around me. I reminisce to what i was 6 months back. What i am now is totally different from what i was back then.
It's like turning 20 is already taking it effect on me. My taste, my thoughts, my goals, my confidence, my prepectives, my stance, my views, my judgments, my ego, my affection. All of that just took a 180 degree turn for the better as far as i can see it.
Some people notice it but most don't. I hope it stays that way.
Damn i love growing up.
Christianity is the only religion that i know of that likes sending people to hell. Ever had those times where you did something and your good Christian friend came up and said ' You're going to hell'. So am i going to hell ? ;-p
'OMG you watched porn! You're going to hell!'
'You didn't buy me that t-shirt, you're going to hell.'
'You said the F word, you're going to hell!'
Well here's a question. Who the hell told you i was going to hell ? LOLOLOLOLOL
For the first time i've finally seen people bailing on their own teammates. For real, and these are would be lawyers/politicians/activists. If it's one thing i've always ingrained into my head is that i shall never bail on anyone regardless of the odds against me. Although it may seem that the tides are against you but bailing at the last second on the ones standing there doesn't justify any honor or good in doing it. Really somehow i do like the idea of how the Russian commisariat would shoot deserters at the back of the head during WW2. Running away doesn't solve anything. 'Against all odds'
It's either one of two things.
I need to fuck according to the Cat.
Or i need a chill pill the size of a hockey puck.
Either way, LOLs away !!
I think i've got the new year blues. I'm feeling like shit. Really like shit. Like watery non-solid shit.
Then again, i think i've got a big chance of fulfilling me new years resolution . . Heh heh heh . .
It's all just an expression of inner game.
-Who The Player-
-Old Cyphers-
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-Lets Rhyme-
-Homeboys and Girls-
Karat Boys
The Hooligans From SAM
Eu Joe
Mello <3
Jing Xiu
Ju Li
Skin By:Scorpiona
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Inspired by:LCrazypl86
Used On:Blogger